13 avril 2011

A Classic Teaching Model Applied to a Modern Education

Voici un message paru sur le site web de la French Pastry School... J'en avais déjà parlé dans un post précédent, mais cet article a le mérite, une fois n'est pas coutume, d’être en anglais...

A Classic Teaching Model Applied to a Modern Education - French Government Recognizes Pierre Zimmermann

French Government recognizes Pierre Zimmermann

Pierre Zimmermann, one of the instructors in L’Art de la Boulangerie, recently added another accolade under his toque: the Médaille d’Argent de l’Enseignement Technique (Silver Medal for Technical Teaching), an honor bestowed by the French Ministry of Education. Chef Zimmermann is particularly proud of this achievement, one that recognizes his efforts as an instructor and a mentor. “My role as a teacher has always been very important to me,” said Zimmermann. “This distinction is a great honor, and I look forward to continuing to pass on this wonderful tradition to future bakers, especially in my new position at The French Pastry School."

Médaille d'Argent de l'Enseignement Technique

The Medal for Technical Teaching recognizes the tremendous value of the master-apprentice teaching method: demonstration and hands-on learning. This process not only enables students to learn a skill, it leads to the advancement of a craft. The Medal is awarded to individuals who contribute in a significant way to the development of technical and professional training as an educator. Having already received the bronze medal in 2007, Zimmermann’s nomination for the silver was completed in June, 2010. Now a full-time instructor at The French Pastry School of Kennedy-King College, Zimmermann applies the values of the master-apprentice model in professional training to his new role as Chef Instructor and Dean of Baking.

Congratulations, Chef Pierre!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Hey - I am really happy to discover this. Good job!